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Trends in Adult Education

Updated: Oct 7, 2023

Unlocking Your Potential: Exploring the Power of MOOCs

While reading articles about emerging new trends in adult education, what came to my mind was that on my university application day, my friend and I endured a seemingly endless wait in a bustling crowd to submit our university application forms. We took a photo to show our determination and the challenging process in our memories. I would love to share that photo with you if I could find it.

When I compare those days with today, it would not be wrong to consider online education and the innovations that come with it as revolutionary. In today's fast-paced world, universities, colleges, or any education we want to receive is more accessible than ever. MOOCs, an acronym for Massive Open Online Courses, is making it accessible to millions worldwide.

The introduction of Nereah Obimbo's article titled Pros and Cons of MOOCs and Online Learning for Adults (2022), explain MOOCs:

Traditionally, information was transmitted from a lecturer to enrolled, fee-paying students in a classroom or lecture hall. Thanks to technological advancements, you can now attend online courses offered by Ivy League universities from Harvard to MIT, all from the comfort of your home, without paying a dime in tuition fees.

MOOCs are online courses designed to be open to anyone with an internet connection. These courses can cover a wide range of subjects and are provided by universities, colleges, and educational platforms. I think the most significant three reasons that make MOOCs so popular are:

1. MOOCs break down geographical barriers, making education accessible to people from all corners of the globe. Whether you are a student, a professional, or just someone eager to learn, MOOCs offer opportunities for everyone.

2. MOOCs are known for their flexibility. Learners can access course materials at their own pace, allowing them to balance education with work, family, and other commitments.

3. MOOCs are cost-effective. Most MOOCs are either free or offer affordable options for certification.

Dana Vioreanu explores and addresses many of the issues regarding MOOCs in her post titled Why Should I Study a MOOC in 2023? (2022).

The explanation regarding the question "Why are MOOCs so popular?" is as follows:

As a global society, getting an education has become increasingly important but increasingly difficult beyond the high school level. Institutions of higher education present the obstacles of entrance examinations, tuition, distance, living expenses, and so much more. All over the world, there are universities that are opening their virtual doors to students in the form of MOOCs.

However, in the same article, Vioreanu (2022) expressed the following query, which I believe should be taken into consideration:

Are MOOCs an evolutionary turning point in higher education? This question is currently up for debate in the academic world. The most common thought is that they will become more and more popular and will change the format of higher education as we know it today.

Although the discussions are still ongoing, MOOCs have begun to reshape the future of education in higher education. The fact that the completion rates of courses taken via MOOCs, in the article by Feifei, Trends in Adult Education 2022 (2022), concerns me about the success of MOOCs in this regard.

As Feifei states

From the article Online Education Statistics, it looks like the completion rate for MOOCs certificate programs is only 15% or less. From these statistics it can seem pretty alarming. When MOOCs is claiming that thousands of people sign up. However, not many students seem to actually completing or achieving anything.

I believe that increasing self-discipline and motivation, especially in higher education, structuring pre-evaluations so that participants can choose the proper education for themselves, and adding time restrictions, provided that they are not too strict, will impact increasing these rates.

Although MOOCs have aspects open to improvement, MOOCs have an essential place in adult education. MOOCs are an excellent resource for acquiring new skills or upgrading existing ones. Professionals can take courses to stay current in their fields, while individuals can explore new interests without committing to a full degree program.

As Vioreanu (2022) recommends

MOOCs are one of many great learning sources and a great way to add more tools to your knowledge arsenal. Do your research and try a MOOC that works for you!

I want to conclude by agreeing with what Vioreanu (2022) stated at the end of her article and saying that this subject will raise more discussions. First, you determine your goal, then be determined and self-motivated; the world of education is at your fingertips.


Obimbo, N. (2022, January 28). Pros and Cons of MOOCs and Online Learning for Adults.

Vioreanu, D. (2022, November 17). Why Should I Study a MOOC in 2023?

Feifei ( 2022, July 30). Trends in Adult Education 2022

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